John Ryan Pike is the person you thought couldn’t possibly exist. Thankfully for us, he did. And we were lucky enough to have known him, to be inspired by him, and to have loved him. He was the perfect balance of compassion, talent, humor and intelligence all wrapped up in one great package with an infectious smile as a bow.
He passionately pursued all his interests and excelled in many, especially musical composition. He took advantage of every opportunity presented to him and created many of his own along the way, even becoming a founder member of the rock band Ra Ra Riot.
To put it simply, John was a gift. and his sudden and tragic death was felt by an entire community of neighbors, supporters, and fans. Everyone who knew him felt the need to do something in his memory and to share his gift and love of music with his community.
The Musary was founded to celebrate John’s life, to pass on his passion for music, and to hopefully inspire others to compose their own dreams.